Sixth-generation farmer, primary sector leader appointed AgriZeroNZ Chair

14 February 2025

Rob Hewett on his farm in South Otago

Rob Hewett has been appointed Chair of AgriZeroNZ, the world-first public private partnership accelerating the development of tools to help Kiwi farmers reduce emissions.

The appointment follows the departure of Sir Brian Roche KNZM who, with the Board, steered the joint venture (JV) through its establishment phase. Roche departed in November to take up the role of Public Service Commissioner.

Announcing the appointment today, Economic Growth Minister Hon Nicola Willis said Mr Hewett’s experience and strategic insights will make a significant contribution to driving forward AgriZeroNZ’s work to help farmers reduce emissions while maintaining their competitive edge.

Hewett is a sixth-generation farmer with a 1050ha sheep, beef, wind and forestry operation in South Otago, and holds multiple governance roles across agriculture, horticulture, exporting and energy sectors.

He is currently chair of Silver Fern Farms (retiring this year), Farmlands, Woolworks, Hilton Haulage, Pioneer Energy, Fern Energy and Rewiring Aotearoa, as well as a Director on T&G Global (NZX: TGG). Hewett won the Deloitte Top 200 Chair of the Year Award in 2023.

The primary sector leader was endorsed for the AgriZeroNZ role by its investor partners (The a2 Milk Company, ANZ, ANZCO Foods, ASB, BNZ, Fonterra, Rabobank, Ravensdown, Silver Fern Farms, Synlait and MPI) and ratified by Cabinet given the Crown’s 50 per cent shareholding.

Hewett, who has commenced the role now for a three-year term, said he is excited to join the unique collaboration and foster its focus on helping New Zealand farmers meet the global demand for emissions reduction.

“AgriZeroNZ is a fantastic example of how a group of disparate companies can come together with the government to solve a problem common for all New Zealand agriculture.

“AgriZeroNZ’s work is not only fundamentally important for our collective future licence to operate among discerning global customers, it’s also personal for me as our family’s farming future will in large part be determined by the success of these activities.”

Fraser Whineray, AgriZeroNZ director, said the Board and team are very pleased to welcome Rob.

“It’s important that AgriZeroNZ’s momentum and progress towards getting practical tools into the hands of New Zealand farmers at the earliest opportunity continues. Rob’s mix of extensive governance and hands-on farming experience makes him a great fit for this task.”

To date, AgriZeroNZ has committed over $46 million across a rapidly expanding portfolio of ventures, research projects and trials. This includes a methane-inhibiting bolus, vaccines, novel probiotics, feed additives and low-emissions pasture.